EGI Capital Equity and Valuation Growth is Managed within Blockchain
Specialized expertise providing low risk / high returns with predictable, swift time to liquidity
EGI Capital offers growth equity and growth debt of our key strategic venture capital and investment bank partners as either principals to acquire EGI's targeted valuation-weak opportunity and then operate the EGI equity lift process to exit; or to finance existing ownership's EGI proprietary equity lift process to exit.
Driven by never-before offered Fortune 500 mastery now in the private mid-market, EGI Capital offers growth VC and IB partners a low risk / excess return model coupled with predictable, swift time to liquidity.
EGI provides the proprietary nuclear core of equity lift to provide VC and IB partners with Compelling, Attractive and Secure returns. Compelling because our system is innovative and proprietary backed by half century of Fortune 500 model brought to the private mid-market; attractive because our system throws off VC & IB level returns; and secure because our prescriptive system highly vets, and tests opportunities and then deeply measures & audit-trail reports in-stream.
EGI also partners with a global investment banking firm DC Advisors to provide international transaction capability to create an auction environment in the core sectors of our equity-lift client company.
EGI Equity Nexus highly-prescriptive system publishes predictive equity and % returns before accepting any assignment; and publishes monthly in-stream plan-vs-actual performance throughout the assignment.
Through proprietary gateways, EGI accepts no equity lift assignment that does not reach attractive, achievable projections for our capital partners, and necessary equity lift for the enterprise company.